Episode 28 - Put the "ing" in Learning
The Network
The Network
Episode 28 - Put the "ing" in Learning
Apr 07, 2021 Season 2 Episode 14
The CAPS Network

Corey is joined by good friend, CAPS teammate and Blue Valley Academy Principal, Scott Kreshel. In the final installment of our 5 Core Values mini-series, Scott and Corey talk about the importance of connecting students with meaningful learning experiences via the value of Self Discovery and Exploration. These experiences include community partner projects, life-connected problem solving and self-discovery. Scott shares his experiences as a coach, helping young people find their paths. This episode will empower you to empower your community.

The Network is all about discovering the CAPS Model. The CAPS Network is a 501(c)3 supporting over 120 programs, in 20+ states and 4 countries. CAPS reimagines education to be a learner centered, profession based experience that catapults young people into passion and purpose. CAPS is going where students lead.

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